Yours Quietly, Plucky Pete

by | Nov 7, 2022 | Yours Quietly | 2 comments


Dear Nadia,

I play the guitar. I guess you could say I’m a musician. Well, I try.

But there’s a problem. I can’t bring myself to sing. I can’t even. When I’m alone in my room, I am paralysed by the idea that the neighbours might hear me. What if they laugh at me? What if they think I’m terrible?

If I can’t even sing when I’m alone, how on earth will I ever play professionally?

My shyness is silencing me. Talk about, being a tortured artist. Please help.

Yours quietly,

Plucky Pete

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Dear Plucky Pete,

I am in awe of anyone who can play a musical instrument.

And, let’s just say, guitarists have legions of screaming fans for a reason.

But, who says that guitar players need to sing? Carlos Santana, Jimmy Page and Slash from Guns N Roses are some of the greatest guitarists ever and they don’t do vocals. Their fingers do the singing.

But, if you are set on learning to sing, because you want to, not because you feel you ought to… know this… anyone can learn to sing. ‘Learn’ being the operative word.

I wouldn’t hop on a horse and expect to know how to jump a perfect clear round. It takes patience and time. So, if you wanna sing, start studying. Get some lessons, watch some videos, sign up for a course. Do the work.

When you’re learning something new, you’re meant to be a bit rubbish at first. You’re going to mess up and make mistakes. You’ll improve gradually. You’ll discover your voice. There’s a long journey ahead – from complete beginner to professional – so enjoy it.

All voices are different. And that’s a beautiful thing. We’re drawn to different sounds. I’m sure you’re into music that doesn’t really do it for me. But that’s not to say the music is bad. People are entitled to their opinions. They are just opinions. Your fans will love your voice.

If you’re not ready for an audience yet, why not take it outside? Head to a remote spot with your guitar and sing your heart out. Knowing that nobody can hear you will give you the freedom to find your voice and feel confident in your sound.

Nadia x


If you need more support finding your voice, personally or professionally, I can help.

Click here to book a one-to-one coaching session with me.


  1. auke de Jong

    Dear Nadia, my wife as a young girl was a singer, so I asked her, her response was she imagined she was on herself in the shower singing instead for an audience, it worked for her. but I agree with you, if you can play the guitar, I envy you. wonderful, thanks a lot Auke de Jong

    • Nadia

      Thank you for sharing x


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